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  • This week will demonstrate the ability to research the internet for quality, reliable, and useful resources. If necessary make a virtual appointment with the MCC librarian to verify how to locate and evaluate credible resources.

This week will demonstrate the ability to research the internet for quality, reliable, and useful resources. If necessary make a virtual appointment with the MCC librarian to verify how to locate and evaluate credible resources.


It is game time!19 Parts of Speech Activities That Will Up Your Grammar Game

This week will demonstrate the ability to research the internet for quality, reliable, and useful resources. If necessary make a virtual appointment with the MCC librarian to verify how to locate and evaluate credible resources.

  1. Locate one free game/resource to help with business GUM or CUPS guidelines.
  2. Locate one free game/resource to help with business writing sentences and guidelines.
  3. Describe the two different games you found, your experience (what did you gain) each game/resource, and provide the direct URL so crew members can utilize the resources STAT.
  4. NOTE: games can be ‘elementary’ or advanced
  5. For the IPs – select two different crew member’s URLs/games. Play the game and discuss what you learned from that game.

Apply APA, GUM, and CUPS where appropriate. Post your initial quality answer to the discussion question (DQ) due Mon. by 11:55 EST. Interactive participation due no later than Friday, 11:55 PM EST.

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