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  • Throughout this course you will have learned about the basic practice and professional skills in social work. Items such as attending behaviors, interviewing skills, engagement, and the importance of building a strong, collaborative, and empowering working relationship with your client have been discussed. You will be partnered with another student in which you are to conduct a live, role-play of social worker and client. Both students will have the opportunity to play both positions.

Throughout this course you will have learned about the basic practice and professional skills in social work. Items such as attending behaviors, interviewing skills, engagement, and the importance of building a strong, collaborative, and empowering working relationship with your client have been discussed. You will be partnered with another student in which you are to conduct a live, role-play of social worker and client. Both students will have the opportunity to play both positions.


10-Minute Role Play Presentation script : Throughout this course you will have learned about the basic practice and professional skills in social work. Items such as attending behaviors, interviewing skills, engagement, and the importance of building a strong, collaborative, and empowering working relationship with your client have been discussed.You will be partnered with another student in which you are to conduct a live, role-play of social worker and client. Both students will have the opportunity to play both positions.I picked scernario BUsing the planned change process, you are to conduct:The intake/engagementData collection/ assessmentPlanning/contractingWhen developing your role play you are required to pick a therapeutic approach and demonstrate:The style of communication and rapport building appropriate to the approachThe key techniques and process of the approachFor example: If you are completing a role play using the solution focused approach, you would be expected to build rapport through positive language and acknowledgement of strengths. You would maintain a focus on the present, consider what’s currently working for the client and look for possible solutions for the future. You would also be expected to demonstrate key techniques (such as The Miracle Question, scaling questions and exception questions).Final Paper:Students are to write a reflection and analysis paper on the role play experience.In your final paper, you are to include:An introduction to the role-play and scenarioThe designated framework/approach you used in your role-play, explaining why this approach was selected and why it’s effective to use with the case scenarioYou are to use 2 references here to validate the framework you used and why it was appropriate to use with the case scenarioPreparation required before meeting with the clientHere you are documenting what preparation as a clinician you would have to go through before the initial encounter with the client.Full Role-Play transcriptHighlighted portions of role-play that identify parts of planned change processAnalysis of your role play that includes where you are utilizing certain techniquesDocumentation of a case note from scenario using the SOAP method

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