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Title of paper: The Debate of Conventional Versus Organic Agriculture Detailed i



Title of paper: The Debate of Conventional Versus Organic AgricultureDetailed instructionsThe correct margins and fonts (Times New Roman) are already set up in the template.Header titles: Type in an abbreviated name of your paper in ALL CAPS on page 1 (leave the words “Running head” as shown on page 1 only) and again on page 2.Page 1 title page: Type in a title for your paper, your name, and section and semester information (ie. Spring 2020).Type in your title again at the top of page 2 in upper and lower case letters.Include the bold words of all the SUBTITLES (ie. “Introduction to the Debate of Conventional versus Organic Agriculture”).Indent each paragraph and use double spacing for all text in the paper.Do not add any extra spacing between paragraphs or between sections.Cite your sources throughout your paper by using in-text citations as needed (APA format is the author’s last name, year). Here is an example of a sentence with an in-text citation (Fields, 2015). In-text citations should be used in Sections 1, 2, and 3. (Introduction to the Debate of Conventional versus Organic Agriculture, Why Some Agree That Conventional Agriculture is Better, and Why Some Agree That Organic Agriculture is Better).If you use a direct quote, add the page number where the quote is located (Fields, 2015, p125). No more than 2 quotes total for this paper should be used.Paragraph 1 (Introduction to the debate of Conventional Versus Organic Agriculture)What to include in the “Introduction to the Debate of Conventional versus Organic Agriculture” section:This should be at least two 5-sentence paragraphs.Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)Explain the purpose of writing this paper.This section should include both a detailed description of what conventional agriculture is and organic agriculture is and a description of the current debate between the two types of agriculture/farming. Important: stay away from the actual argument pros and cons as these belong in the next two sections.Include an in-text citation(s).Paragraph 2 (Why some agree that Conventional Agiculture is better)What to include in the “Conventional Agriculture” section:This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)Read every synopsis thread in the ‘Conventional Agriculture’ discussion board. Choose at least two (2) articles that seem the best to as sources to write this section of the paper. Read the full Word doc article for any sources you choose. Using the information from the articles put together an argument for why conventional agriculture is better.It is important that you WRITE CRITICALLY ABOUT THIS VIEWPOINT, be precise regarding why the articles are directly and indirectly making a case for conventional agriculture. To obtain full credit for this section, look for specific viewpoints in the sources might be erroneous. In the articles you read, did you spot any assumptions made by the author or ‘experts’ quoted in the article?Include in-text citations.The two articles for paragraph 2: 1.) https://healthresearchfunding.org/6-pros-and-cons-of-conventional-farming/2.) https://www.cnbc.com/2015/11/06/critics-question-how-much-better-organic-really-is.htmlParagraph 3 (Why some agree that Organi Agriculture is better)What to include in the “Organic Agriculture” section:Like the directions above: This should be at least two 6-sentence paragraphs.Write in 3rd person. (Please do not use any 1st or 2nd person statements such as “you”, “I”, “we”, “us”)Read every synopsis thread in the ‘Organic Agriculture’’ discussion board. Choose at least two (2) articles that seem the best to as sources to write this section of the paper. Read the full Word doc article for any sources you choose. Using the information from the articles put together an argument for why organic agriculture is better.It is important that you WRITE CRITICALLY ABOUT THIS VIEWPOINT, be precise regarding why the articles are directly and indirectly making a case for why organic agriculture is better. To obtain full credit for this section, look for specific viewpoints in the sources might be erroneous. In the articles you read, did you spot any assumptions made by the author or ‘experts’ quoted in the article?Include an in-text citations.The two articles for paragraph 3: 1.) https://link-gale-com.dcccd.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/A452456597/OVIC?u=txshracd2500&sid=OVIC&xid=b74196742.) https://link-gale-com.dcccd.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/A452456597/OVIC?u=txshracd2500&sid=OVIC&xid=b7419674Paragraph 4 (Disscussion Board teamwork reflection)What to include in the “Discussion Board Forum Teamwork Reflection” section:You need to discuss how well you and the other students assigned to your discussion board forum worked together.Please write in 1st person.This paragraph should be at least 10 sentences long that carefully describes how well the group worked together based on the following five (5) categories:Contributes to the discussion: Did the students in your assigned discussion board all contribute a synopsis? Did everyone contribute to the discussion comments?Group Encouragement: Did you notice any students encouraging others to contribute to the discussions?Deadlines: Did everyone seem to post their synopsis and add to the comments by the assigned deadlines? Did you notice any posts encouraging and motivating everyone to get the work done on time?Communication: How did your group seem to do as far as treating each other respectfully by being polite and constructive in communication.Conflict: If conflict arose within the discussion, did anyone respond to the conflict? Did they help to manage/resolve it in a way so that the work of the group could be completed peaceably and well?Paragraph 5 (Summary)What to include in the “Summary” section:This should be at least two 5-sentence paragraphs.Please write in 1st person.This is a “critical thinking paragraph”. Answer the following questions inside of this paragraph, but DO NOT include the questions:What preconceived ideas about the conventional versus organic debate did you have BEFORE reading the articles that you cited in this paper?How have your ideas changed after reading the cited articles? For example, what is YOUR opinion/position on how you should buy your food or how you want to buy your food? Explain what specifically influenced your position and any items that limit your understanding and ability to form an opinion on this topic.Why do you believe that continued research on the different types of farming/agriculture is important? (Explain the relevance and complexity of the research findings.)What question(s) has this research paper raised for you? What are you still wondering about? (NOTE: nothing is not an acceptable answer.)As you type, the “References” page will always make itself your last page. You don’t have to do anything for this to happen. Double-check that you do not have any blank pages at the end, and that your reference page is its very own last page.Do not delete the word “References” at the top last page (your reference page).The “References” page (last page of paper) is a list of all the sources you used and got your information from to write your paper. The sources must be properly cited using APA style format.

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