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To what extent does your personality influence your academic performance 1. Defi



To what extent does your personality influence your academic performance1. Define personality2 . To find personality traits.3. How do your personality traits influence your in academic performance?4. What approaches could you take to ensure success in your studies?use this order for headings1. Personality’s Influence on Academic PerformanceHere you will put your introduction. APA does not acknowledge a section heading of introduction, so no section heading should be above the introduction, just the title of your paper.2. PersonalityHere you will research and define personality, explain how this applies to you. Make sure to support your section with citations.Personality TraitsHere you will define personality traits, explain how this applies to you. Make sure to support your section with citations.3. Personality Traits Influence on Academic PerformanceHere you research and report on your personality traits and how it has influenced your academic performance. Make sure you support your section with citations.3. Approaches to Ensure SuccessHere you research and report on your approached to academic success and how you will apply it to your academic performance. Make sure you support your section with citations.4. ConclusionHere you will wrap up your paper. A solid conclusion should be at least 3-4 sentences and should be a simple wrap up of what was already covered.WC 800ReferencesHere you will list the 4 minimum references

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