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Topic: Patient Financial Constraints & Nursing Legacy


Topic: Patient Financial Constraints & Nursing Legacy

Topic: Patient Financial Constraints & Nursing Legacy


Many nurses throughout history have left long and distinguished legacies of excellence in a variety of ways. What impact might you have on the patients with whom you come into contact every day?

The past and current challenges to nursing and health care have been and are being met by exemplary nurse leaders. Each has exhibited or is exhibiting enhanced focus and ideation, enriched values, purpose, and grit! The successful nurse leader must prepare to be an effective thinker, communicator, motivator, and champion of personalized health care. Topic: Patient Financial Constraints & Nursing Legacy

Nurses have built and will continue to build upon a rich legacy of innovations and commitment to meet issues of nursing and health care. Florence Nightingale, for example, was highly educated, focused on a path of lifelong discovery, and dedicated to knowledge and science in the service of others. Her legacy made us a better society.


Your individual nursing legacy is an integral part of the legacy of nursing as a whole. Think about how you want to be remembered at the end of your nursing career. Envision what you want to leave to the profession in the areas of practice, education, and research. Make a conscious decision to plan deliberately what your legacy will be, rather than just letting it happen. Review the Learning Resources and write at least 350 words addressing one of the following Discussion topics.

In this Discussion, you have the opportunity to begin considering your own personal nursing legacy.

To prepare

  • Review the Discussion Post Tips Document in the Writing Resources and Program Success Tools for this week. Your initial post must be 2 paragraphs and at least 350 words.
  • Review the Laureate Education video titled Issues and Trends in Nursing: Introduction (2009a) provided in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • Explore this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools, specifically:
    • Academic Writing Expectations (AWE) Checklist, Weeks 1–3
    • “Common Course Assignments: Discussion Posts” (Walden University, n.d.-e)
    • “Paragraphs: Overview” (Walden University, n.d.-h)
    • “Using Evidence: Overview” (Walden University, n.d.-o)
  • Review the following articles, provided in this week’s Learning Resources:
    • “The Empty Carriage: Lessons in Leadership From Florence Nightingale” (Heege, 2011)
    • “Creating a Career Legacy Map to Help Assure Meaningful Work in Nursing” (Hinds et al., 2015)


Post a 2-paragraph response (of at least 350 words) to one of the options below. Develop and post cohesive paragraphs and use evidence to support your ideas.

Option 1

Describe at least two current and/or future challenges in nursing and the solutions that are being proposed to meet those challenges. Explain how furthering your education will enable you to build upon your personal nursing legacy in meeting these types of challenges.


Option 2

Describe a nurse colleague or current nurse leader who inspires you. Identify and describe how this person’s actions have led to positive outcomes related to patients, peers, and/or supervisors. What do you see yourself doing similarly or differently?


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