Tour Builder Unit 3 Project
Total Possible Points: 60
Due Date:
For this project you will begin by setting up a Google account if you do not have one already. Once you have a Google account, you can go to to view existing tours and begin creating your own!
Here are the guidelines and requirements for this project:
- Select a topic from the following list:
- Communism
- Feminism
- Post-WWII Decolonization
- Disease (choose from these three options)
- 1918 influenza pandemic
- Ebola virus
- Technology (choose from these three options)
- Internet
- Computers
- Cell phone
- Find all the information about your topic in your textbook (use the index to find all pages within the text that covers your topic). Read and document that information. Use of the textbook is required.
- Select a format for your project. It’s probably best to stick with a “linear” project, which is the default. However, depending on your topic, you might find that “hub” works best. Tour Builder describes these two presentation formats. Either way, your presentation should show the spread of your topic across time and location.
- Create a title for your project.
- Create an introduction where you describe what your topic is and why it is significant to world history.
- Determine the place and date of origin of your topic. This place will serve as the first location, or “pin,” in your Tour Builder presentation.
- Where does your topic go from its place of origin? Find that location and “pin” it in your presentation. You will continue tracking the spread of your topic throughout Eurasia. You must have at least six “pins” (including the place of origin) in total for your Tour Builder project. *Note: the goal here is not to mark every single location that your topic hits, but rather to select locations you consider important to telling the story of your topic’s journey. Your “pins” must progress over time. So, your first location will be dated earlier than the last.
- For each location or “pin” you will:
- Provide a date (exact or approximate, it depends on records) for your topic’s arrival to that location.
- Describe how your topic arrived at that location.
- Answer this question: How did your topic impact the location?
- Answer this question: How did the location influence your topic? (What were some of the unique circumstances that arose at the intersection of your topic and a particular location?)
- Include images that illustrate how your topic impacted the location or how the location influenced your topic. (or both)
- For each “slide” you create that provides information on your topic, you must include in-text citations and links to the Internet based sources you utilized. For the textbook and any other books or articles, you must provide in-text citations. (See the Tour Builder on the Spread of Buddhism for an example.)
Basic requirements checklist:
- In-text citations and links (follow MLA format) for all information, including images.
- Works cited page submitted as a separate word document. (See my sample in the Unit 3 Module.)
- Use of textbook as a principal resource.
- 7-10 sources (you will not be penalized for having more than 10), including your textbook (aim for variety using Internet sources, database sources, primary sources, etc.)
- Use complete sentences and put information into YOUR OWN words.
- Use proper grammar and punctuation.
- Include a title and introduction that includes a thesis statement.
- Include six locations, including the place of origin. Locations progress over time.
- Include all necessary information (like the date and way of arrival) and answer all required questions for each location or “slide.”
- Each “slide” should have at least two paragraphs of content.
- Include images or videos for each “slide.”
To Submit/Share your Tour Builder:
- Click the blue “share” link.
- Under “who can access” make sure “anyone who has the link can view” is selected.
- Copy and paste the url into the dropbox in Canvas.
- Upload your Works Cited page as a second submission. You are able to upload more than one file or url to the dropbox.