Short Answer Assignment 8: Daniel Kahneman
Explain one systematic error that we tend to make when trying to predict the utility
we will derive from future uncertain outcomes. State why this violates the standard
assumptions of expected utility maximisation
The instructions for the assignment (as stated in the Module Information pack) are as
The answer must be word-processed.
Any equations & diagrams can be handwritten, photographed & inserted into
the document.
The page limit for the assignment is 1 page of A4 (Arial font, size 12, double
spacing, minimum 2 cm margins all around). This includes the text, diagrams
& equations.
Any material which exceeds this page limit will not be marked.
There is no need to include a reference list.
Important general points:
Please ensure that you have read the assessment guidelines provided in the
UG Student Handbook, including late penalties, assessment cover sheets,
Turnitin submission requirements, extension requests and extenuating
The pass mark for this module is 40% overall and there is a minimum mark
required for every component of 30%.
Any change to assessment arrangements will be announced via Blackboard
and email.