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University of Nairobi Aim of The Interview Essay


This assignment addressed the following outcomes for this unit:

1. Implement a person-centred, non-judgemental approach to direct practice social work with individuals and families.

5. Critically analyse personal values, experiences and assumptions that align with or diverge from the Australian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics.

6. Demonstrate an awareness of ‘self’ as a practitioner and its potential impact on the professional helping relationship.

Assignment 4

Comprises a written reflection essay on your own skills in undertaking an interview with a client (played by a simulated client).

On campus students are required to submit their 1,000 word critical reflection essay on the communication skills demonstrated in the role play assessment one week following your assessment in the tutorial.

Off Campus students are to submit by 18 June, 2021 you are required to submit a 1,000 word critical reflection on the communication skills you demonstrated in role play assessment during the workshops.

The critical reflection can be written in the first person.

In your written assignment, you should focus on:

  • what were you aiming to achieve in the interview? Comment on how well you achieved this (25% of mark);
  • what micro-skills did you demonstrate? What was their impact on the interview? (include examples) (25%);
  • what micro-skills could you have used more effectively? (e.g. What would you not do again?) (20 %);
  • identify future learning/areas for developing your micro skills? How do you plan to develop your micro-skills ? (20%); and
  • literacy, presentation and referencing (at least four academic references to be cited using the Monash Harvard referencing system) (10%).

You must use your textbook by Geldard, Geldard and Yin Foo (2017) to name and discuss the micro skills you have used or wish to develop in your essay.

*Please keep a copy of the video of your role play and a copy of the critical reflection.

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