US History exam


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  1. What is meant by imperialism, mercantilism, bullionism, and Social Darwinism? What were the causes, specifics, and results of the Spanish-American War? Identify Alfred Mahan.

2. What was the agenda of progressives? Identify “environmentalism” and Muller v. Oregon. What are referendums, recall, and initiatives? Did progressives enhance or reduce the executive branch’s authority? Who was Robert LaFollette, and what were the 1906 Railway Hours Act and the 17th Amendment?

3. How did Theodore Roosevelt interpret the role of president? What is meant by “stewardship” and “the bully pulpit?” In what ways was Roosevelt unlike other presidents? Discuss “Teddy the Trustbuster,” The Jungle, and the 1902 coal strike. Be sure you know lots of details about John Muir, Teddy Roosevelt, Gifford Pinchot, conservation, and national parks.

4. How did trusts fare during Taft’s administration? What was the Ballinger-Pinchot Affair?

5. Who won the 1912 election? Be sure to identify candidates and parties.

6. How did Woodrow Wilson try to counter the Triple Wall of Privilege?

7. xplain the following foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt: “the Roosevelt Corollary” and “walk softly and carry a big stick.” Identify “The Open Door Notes,” and explain China’s boycott.

8. What prompted the U.S. to make the Panama Canal, and what country tried to thwart this? Describe “the Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty.”

9. How did the U.S. feel about the Russo-Japanese War? Why did Theodore Roosevelt earn the Nobel Peace Prize?

10. Explain the European causes of World War I. Identify the Triple Alliance, the Triple Entente, the Allied Powers, the Central Powers, and Franz Ferdinand.

11. How did the U.S. feel about the war before we became belligerents? What prompted us to declare war on the Germans in 1917? Discuss the LUSITANIA, “the SUSSEX Pledge,” “the Zimmerman Telegram,” and the impact of Russia’s March, 1917 revolution. What are “The Fourteen Points?”

12. How did the U.S. motivate and control Americans during World War I? Identify the War Industries Board, the Committee on Public Information, Herbert Hoover, and “the cult of conformity.”

  1. What were the main points of the Versailles Treaty, and why wouldn’t the American Senate approve the treaty?

13. Discuss the following themes of the 1920’s, and identify the topics that accompany them: Prohibition (18th Amendment, 21st Amendment, issues discussed in “Demon Rum”), “the Red Scare” (“Palmer raids,” Sacco and Vanzetti), question of evolution (John Scopes, William Bryan, and Clarence Darrow), women’s suffrage (19th Amendment), and 1920’s presidents.

14 .Identify and explain the causes and results of the Great Depression. How did President Hoover deal with the event? Discuss Roosevelt’s victory in 1932, and “the New Deal.” Identify the National Recovery Administration, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Works Progress Administration, the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the Civilian Conservation Corps, and the Social Security Act and Huey Long. Identify Father Coughlin. How successful was the New Deal?

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