This will be a collection of four pieces that you may complete at any time during the semester. They are:
1) A formal game review targeted to an existing games journalism venue (a magazine or website). This should be written with journalistic standards. I expect you to list your potential venue with the submission, and I expect the submission to seem appropriate for that venue.
2) An informal, or personality-based, game review. This would be more like a personal blog, or a Vlog sort of response. This can be much more embedded in the culture of the scene surrounding the game in question, and unlike the formal game review, you can use slang and/or profanity here.
3) A news piece about a game event. This could be a game release, a competition, an expansion, something that happened in/to/with/because of a game.
4) An opinion piece about games as relates to culture (gender, race, social class, politics, globalism, etc.)
The specific length of each of these will depend on the audience and venue, but less than 500 words and more than 2000 are both bad ideas. So let’s say each one must be 500-2000 words.
How you’ll be graded:
If you want a D, (100 points)… all you have to do is create everything here. It can even be bad. It just has to exist.
If you want a C (115 points), you need to create everything here, and all of the pieces need to be written in such a way that they are not-repetitive and are readable.
To get up to a B (130 points), you need create everything here and at least one of the four pieces has to read as above-average quality, as on par with the sort of thing that would be considered for publication or that would draw readership online.
And for my achievement hunters, to get your 100% and kill the boss, you need do well enough with each of the pieces that I could believe they might be published somewhere.
Note: if you can get one of the four pieces published by someone (not your own blog or a friend’s blog, but by a website with some reputation online), and you have at least completed the other three, you will automatically get all 150 points.