02. .05 points, At least 10 words > Defend the research of Hugh O’Connor (1924-1927). Be sure to reference Stranger With A Camera (1999) specifically and be sure to explain and defend your response.
03. .05 points, At least 10 words > Why did Hobart Ison (1897-1978) shoot Hugh O’Connor, according to Hobart Ison. Be sure to reference Stranger With A Camera (1999) specifically and be sure to explain and defend your response.
05. .05 points, At least 25 words, Note the word count change > Simply compare and contrast how the following people felt about the possibility of Aaron McKinney getting the death penalty. Make sure your answer is at least 45 words.
- Matthew Shepard’s father in The Laramie Project (2000); First assigned on AR13F; You can find it by scrolling to the 1 hour, 20 minute mark on The Laramie Project, located here
- Father Roger Schmidt in Matthew Shepard is a Friend of Mine (2015); First assigned on WA11; Click here, scroll to the 1’07 minute mark and then watch to the 1 hour, 14 minute mark
06. .05 points, At least 25 words > Make the argument that Russell Henderson and Aaron McKinney, see Q05 directly above, share the same cultural background as “the boys from Miller, South Dakota.” “The boys from Miller, South Dakota,” were introduced on AR04W.
07. .05 points, At least 25 words > I spend a lot of time teaching in a maximum security prison and what I have learned from doing this is that you can tell a lot about a society by the way they incarcerate people accused of breaking laws or, in some instances, even just breaking social norms or expectations. Anyways, let’s see if my idea is right. Use San Quentin Prison, as it is featured in the little audio documentaries posted below, to simply describe and define what American culture is like, right now, today. You must reference at least one of the four documentaries below to get credit for your answer.
- Ear Hustle 1 (2017) – “Cellies”
- Ear Hustle 2 (2017) – “Misguided Loyalty”
- Ear Hustle 3 (2017) – “Looking Out”
- Ear Hustle 7 (2017) – “Unwritten”
08. .05 points, At least 25 words > Learn (or refresh your knowledge) about the most famous social psychological studies about prison of all time – Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment (1973) – by watching the brief documentary below. It was first assigned for AR11W, located here. Which two of the following inmates, featured in Q15, do you think Zimbardo’s findings best match – Ron Self, Eddie DeWeaver, Emile DeWeaver, Cleo Cloeman or She Wallace-Stepter or Donte Smith. Explain and defend your response.
09. .05 points, At least 25 words > Learn how prisons are set up and managed in Norway by watching the short clip located here and then decide whether or not you think it would be possible to set up prisons in the United States like the ones Norway has. All I am looking for is your gut response here and your explanation and defense of your answer. Take note that you are seeing two kinds of prisons in this clip. The first is one for model prisoners and the second is just a regular maximum security prison like the prison featured in Q07 above.
10. .05 points, At least 25 words > Make the argument that it would be impossible to set up a maximum security prison in the United States like the ones they have in Norway because of America’s very specific institutional history. In formulating your response use this specific institutional history of Angola State Prison in Louisiana and be sure to explain and defend your response.
11. .05 points, At least 25 words > Watch this parole hearing that took place at Angola State Prison in the early 1990s. (You learned about Angola State Prison for Q10, directly above. Sorry for the video quality. It was the best one I could find with subtitles. Now, describe in your own words the difference between how (macro sociologist) W.E.B. Du Bois would understand the incarceration of Vincent Simmons versus the way (micro sociologist) Erving Goffman would. Explain and defend your response. You should know the difference between macro and micro at this point and Du Bois and Goffman. 🙂 Your answer must be at least 25 words in order to receive credit and be sure to show that you learned from Q18 above what is unique about Angola State Prison that might affect the way Du Bois and/or Goffman would analyze Vincent’s incarceration.
13. .05 points, At least 25 words > Click here to listen to a short audio essay about Robert Hare’s research on psychopathy. A transcript is here. Scroll down to Act 1, “Underachievement Test.” Describe how Hare gathered data for his research and how his research methodology was different from Zimbardo’s, see AR11W, located here. Be sure to explain and defend your response.
14. .05 points, At least 25 words > Would Angela from Catfish (2008), first introduced here, be a psychopath according to Robert Hare’s research? See Q13 above. (Nev called her a *pyschopath* in the scenes of Catfish (2008) shot in Vail). Be sure to explain and defend your response.
15. .05 points, At least 25 words > Based on what you know about the way homosexuality went from being a crime to a mental pathology, see AR13F, do you think that someday in America, a parole officer working at Angola State Prison, might regard an inmate like Vincent Simmons, as a human and U.S. citizen *more than* an incarcerated person? Vincent was introduced in Q11, scroll up. Make sure you make the link between the ways that the meaning of homosexuality has changed in this country since the colonial period and be sure to explain and defend your response.
16. .05 points, At least 25 words > Based on what you know about the way homosexuality went from being a crime to a mental pathology, see AR13F, do you think that someday in America, a man like Robert Dixon, first introduced in the audio essay assigned for Q13, would not get classified as a *psychopath.* Like Q16 directly above, make sure you make the link between the ways that the meaning of homosexuality has changed in this country since the colonial period and be sure to explain and defend your response.