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  • Watch either of the following films (select one; each 52 min):  Secret Life of Twins: Natural Similarities or Secret Life of Twins: Nurtured Differences First, share which film you elected to view.  H

Watch either of the following films (select one; each 52 min):  Secret Life of Twins: Natural Similarities or Secret Life of Twins: Nurtured Differences First, share which film you elected to view.  H


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Watch either of the following films (select one; each 52 min):  Secret Life of Twins: Natural Similarities or Secret Life of Twins: Nurtured DifferencesFirst, share which film you elected to view. Highlight 3 significant ideas or points made in the film about our understanding of human development and how it is influenced by either genes (nature) or experience (nurture).  Compare and contrast the key points you presented with information in Chapter 2 of the text.  Are the ideas in the film supported by factual information in the text, or are they contrasted, or contradicted in some way?  What additional thoughts and questions do these ideas raise about your understanding of the influence of either nature (biology) or nurture (experience/environment) on development overall?  Did the information from the film and/or text confirm thoughts and you already held about the influence of nature v. nurture, or did it challenge your assumptions?  Explain.DiscussionFilter by:All ThreadsSort by:Most Recent Activity Least Recent Activity Newest Thread Oldest Thread Author First Name A-Z Author First Name Z-A Author Last Name A-Z Author Last Name Z-A Highest Rated Thread Subject A-Z Subject Z-A You must start a thread before you can read and reply to o  “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Order now and Get 10% Discount! Use Code “Newclient””Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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