web Applications project ch9


  1. Chapter 9: Forms.Chapter 9 focuses on the HTML elements used to create forms. Methods for configuring the form with CSS are introduced. New HTML5 form control elements and attribute values are introduced.As you are reading thru chapter 9, perform each of the “Hands-on Practice”.Perform Phase 7 of your Project.
    Create a folder and name it YourNameCh9CS.
    Use YourNameCh8CS and perform the Case Study Activities associated with chapter 9.

Save your html files with the extension html .
Save all its files in the folder YourNameCh9CS.
Prepare the Test Plan File: YourNameCh9TP
Perform the Code Validation and save the validation report in file YoueNameCh9VR.

Save all its files in the folder YourNameCh9 and Zip it. Submit Project Phase 7: YourNameCh9, for grading by end

of week 8.

Note please when screenshotting your screen please crop out the study pool tab it is always open thank you.

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