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What results are you expecting from the study?


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What results are you expecting from the study?We are expecting to see an increase in sleep quantity and quality of sleep in the treated group with overallimprovement in wellbeing. The trial will answer the question of whether 20mins of guided meditationbefore bed will improve sleep quantity and quality as well as overall wellbeing.How would you get people to participate in this trial? Incentives?Potential patients will be contacted via email or phone that have already been approached by their doctorand sighted as a potential candidate. All candidates that agree to be questioned for eligibility will be givena $5 amazon gift card for their time. The 500 who are chosen and agree to participate in the trial will begiven $50 for every month they stay in the trial. They will also have monthly health evaluations includingbasic blood work to test for cholesterol, blood glucose, and a basic endocrine panel. They will also havetwo sleep pattern evaluations, one at the beginning of the trial and one after the 6-month period.Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Sleep and sleep disorders. Retrieved”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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