Unit I Research Paper
You are asked to complete a Research Paper in this course. A Research Paper is an opportunity for you to practice and
improve your research and writing skills. Plus, it allows you to review the details that others have observed and
researched in the industry.
Using the textbook and CSU Online Library, study corporate governance; then contrast the shareholder wealth
maximization approach and stakeholder capitalism.
Using the textbook and CSU Online Library, research the Kraft acquisition of Cadbury in 2010, finding at least five
different references/sources. Using what you studied in this unit, address the following two questions:
1. What was the strategic rationale for acquiring Cadbury? How does it relate to Unit I?
2. Go to Kraft’s homepage and their investor relations site. Study Kraft’s board of directors and committees
from their investor relations site (Google the terms: Kraft Investor Relations and Governance) and
summarize their governance.
Review articles and sources with specific questions in mind (i.e., Does this article support my topic? How does this article
apply to my topic? How am I going to use the details of this article in my paper?). The Research Paper must meet the
following requirements:
Be at least 500 words in length (not including the title page and references page)
Include at least five peer-reviewed articles
Use APA Style