Watch the political ad, “When Mitt Romney Came to Town.” You can google the title and watch it on line. Make sure you watch the full 29 minute version.
Your task to is to copy the attached the Table above and fill it in with data from the film to show the gains and losses obtained by various groups and individuals affected by the business deals of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital. The film will give its version of “leveraged buy outs,” the method used to acquire companies, maximize their profitability, and then sell them for profit.
You may need to watch the film two or three times and stop to record the data you need — for example, how many workers lost their jobs due to a specific buy-out deal. Very often, there will be quantitative data to record, for example, percentage increase in profits or dollar pay outs to investors. When there is not such data, you may record descriptive statements, like “improvements to productivity” or “decline in real estate values.” The more complete and specific your table, the better your grade on this assignment. We will be relating this task to a discussion Betham’s ethics (print, read, and bring to class the above attached reading from Bentham).