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While some assignments can be a bit more creative, learning how to improve your



While some assignments can be a bit more creative, learning how to improve your skills with written communication is also a good thing. Toward that end, the goal here is to write a paper of between 500-750 wordsUse one or more theories from epistemology and/or metaphysics to discuss how you know you are not or are not a simulation, matrix, or hologram.Pick one (simulation, matrix, or hologram) and briefly describe the theory indicating we are in one, and name one or more supporters of the theory.Define and describe the theories you will use (skepticism, empiricism, dualism, constructivism, etc) to address the claims.Use the theory to refute the claims or explain how we can never be sure.Your paper will be written at a college level with an introduction (one that indicates what would be covered and in what order), body paragraphs, a conclusion, along with in-text citations/Works Cited page in MLA or APA formatting. Remember – any resource that is listed on the Works Cited page must have an in-text citation in the paper to match or this is considered plagiarism. [Note, depending on your degree area, you may be more familiar with APA. You can use either one, just be consistent.]Resources:Word is free to students – if you encounter an issue please write classroomsupport@apus.edu for guidanceTutor.com – information available in the syllabusAPUS LibraryCitation and Reference Style: You will follow the citation style that is common to your discipline/program (APA, Turabian, AP, or MLA). If you do not have a citation style, please use MLA style. OWL Purdue is a great resource for the formatting of citations and resources

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