I have a an assignment covers the following topics:
Lecture 8 – The Uniqueness of Wireless Communications, Part I
• Propagation modes (ground wave, sky wave, line-of-sight).
Large-scale path loss
• Differences between large-scale and small-scale path loss
• Free space propagation – basic formula, dependence on certain parameters, more general models given pathloss exponents different than 2, comparisons with reference distance ( 0)
• Computing received power in Watts, dBW, and dBm.
• Five basic propagation mechanisms – Free space, transmission, reflections, diffraction, scattering
• Reflections – how reflections occur, why signals constructively or destructively interfere
• Diffraction – basic concept, why even an unobstructed line-of-sight path may still have diffraction loss, no problems or detailed questions
• Scattering – basic concept but no detailed questions or problems
Lecture 9 – The Uniqueness of Wireless Communications, Part II
• Small scale fading – Basic problem of multipath, how severe fading can be, intersymbol interference
• Doppler shift and the dependence on angle of arrival, Doppler spread and coherence time
• Model of mobile radio channel
• Delay spread relationship with coherence bandwidth, Doppler spread relationship with coherence time
• Flat vs. frequency selective fading
• Slow vs. fast fading
Lecture 10 – The Uniqueness of Wireless Communications, Part III
• Channel correction mechanisms – FEC, AMC, MIMO (4 uses), OFDM, bandwidth expansion, mmWaves
• Coding and error control – probabilities of packet errors, parity, error detection and error correction
• Error correction codes and minimum Hamming distance
• LDPC and Turbo code principles
• Ways codes could fail to correct or detect errors
Lecture 11 – Internet of Things
• (Only material from the notes on IoT, no more from the referenced paper)
• Human-to-human versus human-to-machine versus machine-to-machine (M2M) communication
• Role of big data in IoT
• There is no predominant standard for IoT communications
• Importance of IoT elements
• Quality of service issues
I have attached some lecture notes down below.
Please let me know if you are familiar with the topics above, and I can explain you further what what the assigment is all about.