Case Study 1
Please read both of the case study files that are uploaded in the Content section. Having read them, please then respond to TWO of the following prompts that have been developed by The Pluralism Project. Your target length for each response should be 300 – 400 words (though it is definitely acceptable to exceed that). 1. Did the airport make the right decision to remove the trees? Why or why not? And do you agree with their decision to reinstall the same display in response to public pressure? Draft a letter to the editor of the Seattle Times expressing your position. 2. If you were Rabbi Laytner, would you have accepted the invitation to join the Holiday Decorations Advisory committee? Why or why not? 3. Imagine yourself as a member of the Holiday Decorations Advisory committee, alongside Laytner, Gist, and Rahman. Consider the range of interests to balance and options available; then, establish criteria for a successful outcome. What would you suggest? 4. One committee member, Dr. Gist, notes that the airport is thought of as a public space, but is a municipal and private space. How might your solution for the holiday display be informed by the kind of space this is? Another committee member, Imam Rahman, emphasizes “authentic inclusivity.” Is it possible to address both authenticity and inclusion in a holiday display? Case Study 2
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