tipic will be about poverty, inequality, and home evacuation
1.Some examples of broad topics include:
?Housing discrimination – on the basis of race, gender/sexuality, having children, etc.
?Red-lining and housing segregation
?Public housing – accessibility, funding, etc.
?Utilities – affordability, accessibility, etc.
?Criminal record/background check screenings for jobs and housing
?Rental property foreclosures
?Domestic violence’s impact on housing instability
?Zoning regulations around urban density and construction of affordable housing
?Displacement of residents in historic POC neighborhood
2.Introduction – focus on the definition of your topic and then suggest causes
Body Paragraphs #1 & #2 – evidence about existence of problem. what does the problem look like? use statistics. how do different groups of people discuss the problem and its causes?
Body Paragraphs #3 & #4 – evidence about historical causes/roots of problem (laws, judicial rulings, social events). DO NOT go back super far in time –(think 50-100 years max)
Body Paragraphs #5 & #6 – evidence about current or ongoing causes of the problem (think laws in the last 10 years)
Body Paragraphs #7 & #8 – how has the problem changed over time? what might happen in the future if the problem doesn’t get fixed or gets worse?
Conclusion – think about broad implications, briefly discuss potential solutions/who has offered them, think of questions about the problem you still have unanswered. if you had to write more about the contexts of the problem, what would you still want/need to discover?
3.Below is a list of required elements for the 1200-word draft:
?Identify and explain a significant and precisely defined contemporary cultural, political, and/or social problem related to the themes of our core text.
?Analyze the relevant history & causes of the precise problem you are studying. Remember that the background or context of the problem is important and does not have to be a direct cause in order for you to consider it.
?Summarize and criticize FOUR scholarly secondary sources relevant to your problem/topic. Criticism can include finding assumptions, omissions, bias, or logical errors. You are required to show how the sources are RELATED to one another and how they INTERACT. Locate and identify debates and discussions among experts.
?Provide vivid description and analysis of TWO artifacts (historical documents, charts, photographs, film clips, news footage, etc.), one that provides evidence of the problem in the present and one that provides evidence of the problem in the past. Discuss how the problem and consideration of the problem has transformed, and been transformed, over time.
oConsider including links to videos or films for which you should note minute & second mark where you want your viewer to notice something you are “quoting.” The multi-modal (multi-media) evidence of the problem should not be simply added after you are done writing your essay, but should work with your writing as a way to build your argument about the urgency and relevance of your problem.
useful resources
National Low Income Housing Coalition (Links to an external site.)
National Alliance to End Homelessness (Links to an external site.)
National Fair Housing Alliance (Links to an external site.)
New York Times Income Inequality Topics (Links to an external site.) (You could also try searching for Affordable Housing (Links to an external site.) topics and more)
Los Angeles Times Poverty Topics (Links to an external site.) (Likewise, you could search for Housing (Links to an external site.) or other topics)
CALmatters Housing Articles (Links to an external site.)
Curbed Affordable Housing Articles (Links to an external site.)
CityLab (Links to an external site.)
The HUDdle (Links to an external site.) (US Dept. of HUD’s Official Blog)
Urban Displacement Project (Links to an external site.)
Eviction Lab (Links to an external site.)