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Write a 4-6 page Persuasive Argument


Prompt: Does Spiritual Practice Lead to Happiness?

First define what “spiritual practice” means. Use the assigned articles to inform your definition, but feel free to create your own definition. Then, explore why human beings engage in spiritual practice. What is the purpose of spiritual practice? Take a deeper look at the different spiritual practices presented in our text. Do they all seem to have a similar purpose or are the purposes different? How are they similar, and how do they differ? Delve into your own personal experience with spiritual practice, as well. Ultimately, answer the question: Does spiritual practice lead to happiness?

Reading resources(You can find those online):

“Can Money Buy Happiness?” by Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener

“The Sociology of Happiness and Contentment: An Interview with Dr. Jordan McKenzie” by Stu Horsfield

“How Happy Are You and Why?” by Sonja Lyubomirsky

“Enjoyment” by Stefan Klein

“Very Happy People” by Ed Diener and Martin Seligman

“The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire” by Michael Argyle and Peter Hills

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