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  • You are to prepare reflection in action notes in which you address what you have learned each week that you will take forward as an Advance Practice NurseYou are to prepare reflection in action notes in which you address what you have learned each week that you will take forward as an Advance Practice Nurse

You are to prepare reflection in action notes in which you address what you have learned each week that you will take forward as an Advance Practice NurseYou are to prepare reflection in action notes in which you address what you have learned each week that you will take forward as an Advance Practice Nurse


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Option #1:  Reflection Journal Activity: Summary:You are to prepare reflection in action notes in which you address what you have learned each week that you will take forward as an Advance Practice Nurse. Entries are to be made weekly and submitted via the Reflection in Action/Study Guide Assignment Dropbox.Directions:Each Entry should be at least one page in length and are due on Sunday at the end of each week.Entries should consist of a 1-page entry regarding this week’s topic.  Discuss the topic in terms ofWeek 8 entry should address the above and contain a summary of your experience in terms of application during your transition to the role of APRN”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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