Praceice Set 5


University of Phoenix Material                      

Practice Set 5

Practice Set 5

1. This distribution hasonlyoneparameter.Thecurveisskewedtotherightforsmalldfand

         becomessymmetricforlargedf.The entiredistributioncurveliestotherightofthevertical

         axis.Thedistributionassumes nonnegativevaluesonly

  1. t distribution
  2. Normal distribution
  3. Chi-square distribution
  4. Linear regression.

2. Find the value of x2 for 12 degrees of freedom and an area of .025 in the right tail of the chi-

        square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places

3. Determine the value of x2 for 14 degrees of freedom and an area of .10 in the left tail of the

         chi-square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places

4. Determine the value of x2 for 23 degrees of freedom and an area of .990 in the left tail of the

        chi-square distribution curve. What is the value of chi-square? Round to three decimal places.

5. Α ____________ compares the observed frequencies from a multinomial experiment with 

        expected frequencies derived from a certain pattern or theoretical distribution. The test

         evaluates how well the observed frequencies fit the expected frequencies.

A.    Goodness-of-fit test

B.     Chi-square test

C.     Linear regression

6.  The __________ are the frequencies obtained from the performance of a 

         multinomial experiment. The expected frequencies are the frequencies that we expect to obtain

          if the null hypothesis is true.

A.    Observed frequencies

B.     Expected frequencies

C.     Fluctuating frequencies

7. The expected frequency of a category is given by Ε = np where n is the sample size and p is the

         probability that an element belongs to that category if the null hypothesis is true. The           

         ________ for a goodness–of–fit test are k – 1, where k denotes the number of possible

         outcomes (or categories) for the experiment.

A.    Number of observations

B.     Degrees of freedom

C.     Total population

8.      Thismodelincludesonlytwovariables,oneindependentandonedependent,iscalleda _____1______. The___2____istheonebeingexplained,andthe ___3___is theoneusedtoexplainthevariationinthedependentvariable.  Select the correct letter that would make the sentence true.

1. Select a letter from the list to make this statement true.

2. Select a letter from the list to make this statement true.

3. Select a letter from the list to make this statement true.

A.    Linear model

B.     Qualitative variable

C.     Multivariate analysis of variance

D.    Independent variable

E.     Simple regression model

F.      One-way Analysis of Variance

G.    Dependent variable

H.    Quantitative variable

9. A population data set produced the following information.

N=460,  ∑x=3920,   ∑y=2650,  ∑xy=26,570,  ∑x2=48,530

Find the population regression line. Round to three decimal places. Use the format as an example when submitting your equation 456.123 + 789.123x

10. The following information is obtained from a sample data set.

n=12,  ∑x=66,  ∑y=588,  ∑xy=2244,  ∑x2=396

Find the estimated regression line Use this format as an example when submitting your equation 123 – 45x

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