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3–4 new pages in the consultant’s analysis report


3-4 pages double spaced

Include the following new content:


•Identify the primary security risks your
distributed system might face.

•Determine the threat level in terms of likelihood and
impact on the business.

•Based on the likelihood and impact of the security threats,
determine the order in which threats should be addressed, and prepare an action
plan to reduce the threat from each risk listed in priority order.

I could also use your help with improving my project from
the previous section in my paper -Resources and Timeline section. I will
include the instructors feedback here in this email and if you can look over
and redo whats missing I will include a 15 dollar tip. I think its just my
table that’s incomplete but im just not getting it. Here is what my professor

Hi Randle : Total points earned (rounded): 80 out of 100
(80%). Task Requirements points earned: 18.75 out of 25 (75%). Demonstration
and application of knowledge points earned: 41.25 out of 55 (75%). Academic
writing and format points earned: 20 out of 20 (100%). Strengths: Good high
level plan. Opportunities for improvement: You needed more detail, tasks should
have start and end dates, with resources and costs assigned to each task.

I will also include a copy of my project here as you will need to review what ive done so far so that you can help me with the last section.RandleKuhn_IT401_IP3.docx

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