American Woman History


250 word minimum count for each question


Question 1:

What changes in government policy made American families more prosperous after World War II? How did the prosperity start to change family culture and gender roles? Imagine that you are living in this time period. How are you affected by these issues? Ask your classmates what they think about everything from consumerism and advertising to birth control and the modern American family as it develops in this time period. Incorporate specific connections to the Unit 6 reading material as part of your response; include APA formatting (citations and references) to support your points.


Question 2:


What were the main issues for which women were fighting during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s?  Looking back from the perspective of the 21st century, to what degree were they successful?  What was the significance of the National Organization for Women (NOW) as part of these efforts?  Why was the Equal Rights Amendment a key focus on the women’s movement in the 1970s and 1980s? Incorporate specific connections to the Unit6 reading material as part of your response; include APA formatting (citations and references) to support your points.   



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