cancer – Coursework Geeks


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Choose TWO prompts to answer.  Each prompt will start off with an article from a regular news/blog site.  Read the article and do some research on the science in the article (I will guide you as to what to focus on through the questions in each prompt).  Answer ALL the questions in the prompts.Submit your assignment via Voice Thread so that you can use whichever method (whether it’s a power point or word document or video or recording to answer)Make sure your answers are complete! Prompt 1: CancerArticle: Louisiana Chemical Corridor is the country’s largest hot spot for toxic air, cancer risk (Links to an external site.)Summarize the article.Critique the article: using techniques you have practiced in week 1, determine the credibility of this article.Look up science – to help you with this, here are some questions to consider:What are cells?What are the cell check points?What causes cells to be cancerous?Who gets cancer?Do all living things get cancer?We often hear that someone who has cancer has the gene for cancer.  This statement is NOT true.  Make an educated guess to explain why this statement is incorrect.Why would it be important for you to understand cancer in a science grounded way?Imagine you are helping someone who is going through cancer or recently received a cancer diagnosis – what resources/website that are about the science (not support for cancer survivors) can you share to that person?At the start of the semester, you shared your plans for your career or general interest.  How can this particular information about this article and the science you’ve learned affect your personal trajectory in the career you are choosing or lives you are leading.  (In other words, how can you make this particular learning personal to you)Finally, cite all the resources you used for this prompt.  Save your time – order a paper! Get your paper written from scratch within the tight deadline. Our service is a reliable solution to all your troubles. Place an order on any task and we will take care of it. You won’t have to worry about the quality and deadlinesOrder Paper NowPrompt 2: Three Parent IVFArticle: Australia Moves Ahead Cautiously with 3 Parent IVF (Links to an external site.)Summarize the article:Critique the article: using techniques you have practiced in week 1, determine the credibility of this article.Look up science – to help you with this, here are some questions to consider:What are sex cells? How do male sex cells differ from female sex cells?What is DNA? Where can one’s DNA be found in a cell?What does “three embryo system” mean?Is this legal? Is this ethical?What are reproductive assistive technologies?Why would it be important for you to understand cancer in a science grounded way?Can this be the next type of reproductive assistive technology in the future? (before you answer this, do a quick search on the history of IVF and how old the oldest person born of IVF is!)At the start of the semester, you shared your plans for your career or general interest.  How can this particular information about this article and the science you’ve learned affect your personal trajectory in the career you are choosing or lives you are leading.  (In other words, how can you make this particular learning personal to you)Finally, cite all the resources you used for this prompt. Prompt 3: Covid-19Article: America is in the “Figure It Out Yourself” Era of the Pandemic (Links to an external site.)Summarize the article.Critique the article: using techniques you have practiced in week 1, determine the credibility of this article.Look up science – to help you with this, here are some questions to consider:What is a virus and how does it differ from a human cell?Based on one of the few things shared with you early this semester, determine whether viruses are considered alive or not.What is Covid-19?What are vaccines? How do vaccines work?There are many concerns/worries about vaccines.  Cite at least three of them.There is so much confusion about vaccinating against Covid-19.  Help tease out one or two reasons why.Why would it be important for you to understand cancer in a science grounded way?Imagine you are talking to someone who is asking your thoughts about Covid-19 vaccination.  What will you say to that person? Why? (and you are welcome to be honest, there are no points loss for telling the truth!)At the start of the semester, you shared your plans for your career or general interest.  How can this particular information about this article and the science you’ve learned affect your personal trajectory in the career you are choosing or lives you are leading.  (In other words, how can you make this particular learning personal to you)Finally, cite all the resources you used for this prompt. Prompt 4: Brain-body connectionArticle: The Brain Practices New Tasks While We Sleep (Links to an external site.)Summarize the article.Critique the article: using techniques you have practiced in week 1, determine the credibility of this article.Look up science – to help you with this, here are some questions to consider:Find some cool information about the brain.What is the brain made of and what are the regions of the brain and their specific parts?Mental illness has been in many minds lately (especially with the massacres that have happened as of late).  What do you think is happening to the brain that leads to poor mental health?I personally practice mindfulness and it is one of the well researched strategies to promote increased mental health.  Do a quick research to why.What can sleep do to help your brain learn? And what do you think sleep does for your mental health?Why would it be important for you to understand cancer in a science grounded way?Reflect on your personal sleep habits.  Do you get enough sleep? Why or why not? Do you feel rested after a night’s rest? Can you see a connection between your sleep and your ability to retain information?At the start of the semester, you shared your plans for your career or general interest.  How can this particular information about this article and the science you’ve learned affect your personal trajectory in the career you are choosing or lives you are leading.  (In other words, how can you make this particular learning personal to you)Finally, cite all the resources you used for this prompt. Prompt 5: Your assignment, your choice!Choose a recent article (from 2022) that exhibits an intersection between real life and biology/science.  There’s lots to choose from. The recent overturned Roe V Wade is one of them.  Side note: the effects on IVF embryos when abortion is no longer legal in many states is going to be really interesting…  Another example is the growing cases of monkeypox around the world and what this means for us!Find the necessary biology for you to have a grounded and basic understanding of the science in the article.Why would it be important for you to understand cancer in a science grounded way?At the start of the semester, you shared your plans for your career or general interest.  How can this particular information about this article and the science you’ve learned affect your personal trajectory in the career you are choosing or lives you are leading.  (In other words, how can you make this particular learning personal to you)Finally, cite all the resources you used for this prompt.  “Our Prices Start at $11.99. 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