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Central State University Scandinavian Prisons and American Prisons Questions


Read the article “Why Scandinavian Prisons are Superior” by Larson attached to this assignment. Then, provide typed answers to the following questions. Make sure you answer all parts of the questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You should NOT have any quotes from the article in your assignment. Your responses should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman 12pt. font. Your entire assignment should be approximately 2 pages in length and adhere to standard classroom grammar and mechanics. Make sure you also read the Written Assignment 4 Student Rubric attached to this assignment before you begin writing.

1. How are Scandinavian prisons different from American prisons? Why do these differences exist? In answering this question, consider how differences in attitudes about prisoners affect criminal justice decisions and how prisons are run in each region.

2. What consequences does each prison system have for the prisoners themselves and broader society in each region? How does treating prisoners in these ways affect how each society runs?


Research comparing black and white applicants for similar jobs found white applicants are more likely to land a job.

  • Why do you think this is the case?
  • What specific factors in society affect a black applicants ability to find a job?

Write at least four factors that could affect black applicants’ ability to find a job. Be specific. For example, “racism” is a common answer students give, but I want you give an explanation of how racism affects this issue. Describe specific racial stereotypes or circumstances that might cause the problem. 

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