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  • Data is given in the second sheet which includes includes the total compensation (in $) of CEOs of the large public companies in 2008.

Data is given in the second sheet which includes includes the total compensation (in $) of CEOs of the large public companies in 2008.


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Data is given in the second sheet which includes includes the total compensation (in $) of CEOs of the large public companies in 2008.a) Compute the mean, median, first quartile, and the third quartile.b) Compute the range, interquartile range, variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation.c) Construct a boxplot. Are the data skewed? If so, how?d) Based on the results of (A) through (C), what conclusions can you reach concerning the total compensations (in $millions) of CEOs?e) Compute the correlation coefficient between compensation and the amount of the bonus.f) Compute the correlations coefficient between compensation and the change in stock price in 2008.g) What conclusions can you reach from the results of (E) and (F)?Data is given in the second sheet which includes includes”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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