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develop a fictitious qualitative data analysis and interpretation


Since there has been no Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for your proposed fictitious data collection, you must refrain from collecting any real data. Do not use Institutional Review Board (IRB) To collect fictitious qualitative data.Please no plagiarism,copying, and paste, please cite and source your work, and properly paraphrase. Please submit original work. Only bid if you are familiar with APA style, and scholarly work. Sources should be credible please do not use internet websites use only articles
Please follow theses instructions: Attached is my week 6 assignment ,and a transcript on an Introduction to Qualitative Data Analysis ,and Designing research proposal
You need to use a role-playing technique. Locate five people who are familiar with your target population for a qualitative study . For example, if you are planning to interview middle school teachers regarding student motivation to perform well academically, find five people who could reasonably play the role of these respondents. The Commons cannot be used to recruit participants for any course assignments or for any research activities.Do not use Commons
Then, complete the following assignment requirements:

Conduct five individual interviews using the questions you developed in Week 6. The Commons cannot be used to recruit participants for any course assignments or for any research activities.
Conduct an analysis of your open-ended interview results using techniques outlined from your assigned readings (be sure to provide reference citations).
Submit your coded data by homogeneous categories as well as a description of the emergent themes.
Address your statement of the problem and research question(s) from Week 6 using your data analysis.
Provide applicable conclusions and implications as applied to the purpose of your research and for further research.

Support your assignment with at least seven scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 15 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Week 6 Assignment is attached for the questions :
Supporting Students through Mindful Mentoring
Mindfulness implies paying attention, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally. Evidently, mindful mentoring is not only a popular topic for academics, but also it is becoming the mainstream phenomenon. Mindful mentoring ensures the purposeful inclusion of mindfulness as well as mindful meditation principles and theories into the school curriculum. Mindful mentoring is crucial in enhancing empathy, self-awareness, communication and focus (Hargreaves & Fullan, 2018). Therefore, mindful mentoring is a principal way to help students learn new skills essential in managing the rising mental and disengagement issues that are affecting students today. Furthermore, mindful mentoring strengthens brain areas related to attention. The final effect is an improved emotional regulation, cognition and mental health. Research evidence indicates that students who participate in mindful mentoring programs show an improved academic performance (Foukal, Lawrence & Jennings, 2016). Based on this evidence thus, it is crucial for students to be introduced to mindful mentoring as early in their school years as possible.
Statement of the Problem
The problem is that the modern world is becoming more distracted and stressful making students susceptible to these influences, therefore, it is growing more evident that there is the need for students to be equipped with new skills as well as awareness through mindful mentoring.
Purpose of the Study Statement
The purpose of this qualitative case study is to evaluate and report on the importance of supporting students through mindful mentoring.
Research questions

How does mindful mentoring help in enhancing academic achievement?
How can teachers/mentors ensure students gain optimum benefits from mindful mentoring?
How can a school ensure a properly designed mindful mentoring program?

Week 6 Assignment Below:
Qualitative Case Study
Overview of the Methodology
Qualitative case study is a crucial methodology for researchers in studying phenomena within their contexts. The proper application of the study design helps in the development of theories, evaluation of program and the development of interventions in the real world. In addition, qualitative case study has the potential to inform professional practice as well as evidence-informed decision making. It can be utilized as a teaching strategy to comprehend exemplary cases in a holistic money.
Therefore, using the qualitative case study as a methodology for this research, it will be key in exploring the phenomenon of mindful mentoring. The researcher will be in a position to explore students in the context of mindful mentoring so as to support both the deconstruction and the reconstruction of different phenomena.
Furthermore, qualitative case study is an approach to research that helps in the facilitation of the exploration of a situation using different data sources. The advantage of this is that researchers not only explore an issue through one lens, but also through different lenses so as to allow for various circumstances to be comprehended and revealed. Researchers are normally interested in the comprehension of the complexity of a case in the most complete way possible. Due to this, it is crucial for researchers to utilize different sources of data for the purpose of attaining the richest possible comprehension of a case. Case study research, through an intensive analysis of an organization or an individual unit, researchers get an opportunity to gain a holistic view of the research issues. Through this, the methodology facilitates the description, understanding and the explanation of a research situation (Houghton, Casey, Shaw & Murphy, 2013).
A researcher may use participant observation, interviewing and the collection of texts. Participant observation involves an extensive work. A researcher has to immerse themselves in the daily lives of the participants. The researcher gets insights on the behavioral patterns of the particular case. On the other hand, interviewing involves learning about people who are a part of the case through asking them questions. Collection of artefacts entails gathering information from educational handouts, written protocols and flowsheets so as to study the particular case.
Case Study Process
The case study process involves planning, designing, collecting, analyzing and sharing information.
During planning, the researcher’s main focus is the identification of research questions and the rationale for conducting the case study. A clear definition of the research problem is a critical step in the entire project. There is the need for a careful consideration of the research questions along with the objectives of the study. It is during the planning stage where the researcher makes sure that there is no mismatch between the research questions and the method of case study.
Secondly, the designing stage defines the analysis method. The researcher develops theories and propositions and identifies issues that underlie the expected study. Procedures must be adhered to so as to ensure high quality case study. It is notable that a research design links the procedure undertaken during the process of data collection and data analysis to research conclusions through data analysis.
The case study thus will focus on addressing the researching questions, the relevant hypothesis, and the logical linking of information to theory. A criteria for interpreting the findings of the case study is also crucial. The researcher need to allocate time to the careful attention to theories and propositions. Since case studies answer the how and why questions, it is in this stage that the researcher identifies the specific questions through a close examination of previous studies and identify any suggestions for future researcher. A point to note is the design process is that it is important to be specific with questions and hypothesis. This is because the how and why questions are usually broad, and lack of careful consideration may mean that it may not be clear on the type of data to be collected (Hyett, Kenny & Dickson-Swift, 2014).
Even though it may sound obvious, it is important to identify a proper analysis unit with careful thought and consideration since any confusion may invalidate the whole study. Besides, the logical linking of data to the theories should ensure that the correct amount of reliable and relevant information is collected for the purpose of summative findings.
The quality of the case study will be dependent on the construct, internal and external validity and reliability. Construct validity deal with concept operationalization. The researcher must define a concept through the setting of variables to ensure that it is measurable through participant and empirical observations. Internal validity ensures that there is the justification of causal relationships while external validity deals with the identification of whether there is generalization of the study to other cases.Finally, reliability of the case study demonstrates that same results can be obtained through repetition of the data collection procedure.
In addition, preparation as a part of the case study process focuses on the development of the skills as a researcher and train for the specific case study. The researcher must identify relevant issues in the case study and address any issues before the stage of collecting information. Familiarization with the study domain is crucial to the complete comprehension of the principal concepts and theoretical issues which are related to the study.
Collecting data involves ascertaining different sources of evidence and create and maintain a chain of evidence. A researcher need to compile several evidence sources so as to offer an explanation of the conclusions to be made (Baxter & Jack, 2008).
The analysis stage depends on the data collected and the theoretical proposition. Analytic techniques are employed to explore rival explanations and display facts apart from interpretations. Through analytical generalization, the researcher utilizes previously developed theory and compares it with the empirical case study results.
The final stage is sharing information. The researcher defines the audience and composes both textual and visual evidence to reach to the conclusions made. The presentation of actual cases is critical in the persuasion of the potential readers by the provision of an assurance of authenticity.
Open-Ended Questions

How would you like teachers ensure optimal mindful mentoring?
What do you think are the benefits of mindful mentoring?
What are your suggestions on ensuring there is consistency and minimization of confusion during mentoring?
Does the location of the mentorship program matter and how?
How can teachers ensure that the mindful mentoring program is effective as a while school approach.
How can teachers ensure that the approached is staged and supported such that students do not feel coerced to participate?
How do you think mindful mentoring is connected to improved emotional regulation?
Why do you think that mindful mentoring is the best means for the achievement of professional ethic conduct in the current world?
How does mindful mentoring expose a person to the application of professionalism to relevant situations?
Can you tell me more about what you think are the advantages of mindful mentoring?

Interview Process
The purpose of the interview for the qualitative case study is to produce highly structured data on the opinion of the participants on the matter of supporting mindful mentoring. Interviews help in the facilitation of a more evocative communication of the emotions, understandings, experiences, current knowledge and identities of participants. In addition, interviews achieve a high response rate since the respondents are face on face with the interviewer.
College students will be interviewed to give their opinion and experiences on the subject matter. The college students will be given space to expand their answers on the issue of study. The interviews will be in exploratory manner so as to ensure that there is the investigation of the interpretations of the participants on the issue of study.Notably, in qualitative interviewing, the experience of the respondents is normally diverse, therefore, the researcher can explore the meanings of the experiences and derive useful and valuable data (Seidman, 2013).
Using semi-structured interviews, a researcher must ensure that there is an interactional exchange of dialogue. This means that one person should not dominate the dialogue. The researcher must also ensure that the interview is topic-centered and thus themes and issues to be covered need to be explored. Therefore, a researcher must bring up the relevant contexts to ensure that situated knowledge can be produced in the context of study.
Assuming that the case study will involve 20 college students, each of them will be assigned 10 minutes interview session. The results of the interview will be recorded in an audio. As opposed to a video file, the researcher can ensure confidentiality when using both audio and written notes.
Thus, my role in conducting the interview will be to gain insightful information on my topic of interest which is supporting students through mindful mentoring. As a researcher, I have to prepare the questions early and analyze them. I will focus on guiding the questions and the case study. Practice and reflection are also key to ensure maximum learning as the respondents describe their experiences.
Baxter, P., & Jack, S. (2008). Qualitative case study methodology: Study design and implementation for novice researchers. The qualitative report, 13(4), 544-559.
Foukal, M. D., Lawrence, E. C., & Jennings, P. A. (2016). Mindfulness and Mentoring Satisfaction of College Women Mentoring Youth: Implications for Training. Mindfulness, 7(6), 1327-1338.
Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (2018). Mentoring in the new millennium. Theory into practice, 39(1), 50-56.
Houghton, C., Casey, D., Shaw, D., & Murphy, K. (2013). Rigour in qualitative case-study research. Nurse researcher, 20(4).
Hyett, N., Kenny, A., & Dickson-Swift, V. (2014). Methodology or method? A critical review of qualitative case study reports. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 9(1), 23606.
Seidman, I. (2013). Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences. Teachers college press.
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