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Discussion Question Module 5: Groups and Terms


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Module Overview: People are social beings and require satisfying a need for affiliation or achieving a sense of belonging. Groups help satisfy this need. In this module, we investigate groups and teams. We begin by exploring group dynamics. Group dynamics is a term used to describe the subfield of organizational behavior that attempts to understand the nature of groups, how they develop, and how they interact with the members, other groups, and their environments. Then, we will discuss the various types of groups and their related functions. Lastly, we conclude by examining the use of teams in todayâ€s complex health service organizations. In health care, as in most organizations, few jobs can be performed start to finish by one person. To complete a task requires resources from many individuals. Today, we see widespread use of multidiscipline teams to deliver effective and efficient health care.Discussion Question:Please respond to ONE of the following prompts.• Explain how group cohesiveness is developed and sustained. Use examples from work or your community to illustrate how this was or was not achieved.OR• Explain the concept of groupthink as it relates to the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of a group’s decision making. Describe an example in which you observed groupthink and how it impacted the groupâ€s functioning.Grading Rubric: Content includes additional or novel points beyond the intent of the prompt. References are sufficient, scholarly in nature, and are formatted correctly in APA format. “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!”The post Discussion Question Module 5: Groups and Terms appeared first on nursing writers.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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