Parrot Palace
Parrot Palace works with TV and movie producers who need birds that can perform special tricks, such
a.s playing dead, reciting poetry, ladder climbs, and various other tricks. Parrot Palace has about 50 birds
and a list of 20 tricks from which to choose. Each bird can perform one or more tricks, and many tricks
can be performed by more than one bird. When a bird learns a new t rick, the t rainer assigns a skill level.
Some customers insist on using birds that score a 10, which is the highest skill level. As an IT consultant,
you have been asked to suggest 3NF table designs. You are fairly certain that a M:N relationship exists
between birds and tricks.
1. Draw an ERD for the Parrot Palace information system.
2. Indicate cardinality.
3. Identify all fields you plan to include in the birds and tricks tables. For example, in the bird table,
you might want species, size, age, name, and so on. In the tricks table, you might want the trick
name and description. You will need to assign a primary key in each table. Hint: Before you begin,
review some database design samples in this chapter. You might spot a similar situation that
requires an associative entity that you can use as a pattern. In addition, remember that numeric
values work well in primary key fields.
4. Create 3NF table designs.