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Explore the activism of Angela Davis. 1. Intro. Focus on the Black Liberation Mo



Explore the activism of Angela Davis.1. Intro. Focus on the Black Liberation Movement(s) that emerged in the mid-1960s. Thenmention that women were at the forefront of these battles but often do not getrecognized for their contributions. Then go into your thesis—which will foreground thecontributions of Angela Davis.2. Body paragraphs 1-3. Begin with how the activist’s upbringing led to her activism. DONOT BEGIN this section with a biographical sentence (such as the year and locationwhere she was born). Instead, mention how her activism was shaped early on.For the remainder of this section, also discuss her earlier activism.Also, use the person’s full name when introducing her in the introduction and thefirst time you mention her in the body paragraph. After that, use the last name.3. Body paragraphs 4-9. Discuss her major contributions to Black Liberation: from theearlier stages to when her activism became more developed and pronounced. Be sureto analyze the contributions in spite of the ramifications. These paragraphs will be themeat of your analysis, so be sure to give them your full attention. Toward the end ofthe body, you can mention when her work declined. At the very end, you should alsoinclude her death, and transition by mentioning that her legacy and contributions liveon even today.4. Body paragraphs 10-11. Focus on her impact and long-lasting legacy. We continue tobenefit from her activism, and so will people from generations to come.5. Body paragraphs 12-13: Conclusion. Reiterate her importance and impact (not in thesame words as your intro), and take your work to another trajectory.Annotated Bibliography: The annotated bibliography must include the bibliographical information and a one paragraph description of at least five sources. These sources must be credible. You must also include atleast one primary source. Blogs, Wikipedia, Gale Group, short biographical/encyclopedia entries, andother sources containing unverified information or editorializing are not permitted; and usingthem will result in a deduction of your grade.

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