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Finish 6 pages of my 10 page paper


ENGL 1302

Rubric for Research Paper

  1. Ten pages, minimum (excluding Works Cited page)
  2. Title and subtitle
  3. Double-spaced
  4. Times New Roman, 12-point font
  5. One-inch margins, t/b, l/r
  6. Running head with pagination
  7. Works Cited page
    1. Correct MLA formatting for sources
  1. Introduction contains an “attention-getter”
  2. A focused thesis containing three evaluation criteria
  3. A clear statement of your research question
  4. Minimum of 10 sources used and listed in Works Cited
    1. A minimum of 3 sources must come from an academic database
    2. No Wikipedia
    3. No more than 3 sources from the same publication (2 sources per paragraph)
  5. Third-person voice only
  1. A clear comparison is evaluated.
  2. Evaluation criteria are logical and relevant.
  3. Overall organization is logical and cohesive. 
  4. Evaluation criteria are presented in a progressive order of importance.
  5. Each evaluation criterion is developed by a minimum of 2 subtopics.
  1. Specialized facts, paraphrases, quotes, statistics, etc. are cited using MLA-accordant, in-text parenthetical documentation.
  1. The following types of paragraphs must be included:
    1. Context (basic knowledge that must be established in order to fully understand the subject: Arabs vs. blacks in Sudan, RNA/DNA, the business of college sports)
    2. History (the steps or stages that led toward the precise moment that you are going to begin addressing your subject) 
    3. Definition of key terms (déjà vu, anorexia, genocide, BCS, janjaweed)
    4. Findings (a synthesis presentations of your comparative interpretations)
    5. Limitations (an assessment of your papers flaws or areas that will require further research)
    6. Rebuttal of critics (a defense of your findings against what skeptics might contend)
    7. Summation (a conclusion that offers final/definitive statements, but avoids simple restatement) 
  1. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, and style are correct.

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