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Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis can seem difficult precisely because, from a cer



Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis can seem difficult precisely because, from a certain perspective, it is so obvious: various factors, some in our control and others not, turn us into vermin. We can vigorously debate what those factors are, what our own participation in that alienation may be, and how we are, in the end, to understand this transformation, but the underlying message seems clear. So why talk about it any further?Because the clear and the simple rarely are so. As soon as you begin to look at the text closely, to think about Gregor, his relationship to his family, to his job, to the objects around him, things quickly become complicated despite the underlying obviousness of the “message.”In this essay, you will write a four page essay where you analyze Gregor’s dehumanization. What does Gregor’s suffering mean? Why might Kafka have written this story? Why change Gregor into a bug? Is Gregor’s transformation symbolic, literal, a dream, a combination of these, or a something else? You do not have to limit yourselves to these questions or just to Gregor’s transformation. After all, there is much to say about his relationship to his family (and to each member), to his job, to the objects in his room, and to his own body. You do not need to answer all of these questions in your essay. They are designed only jumping off points to help you decide on an area of focus that interests you as a reader and writer.“What does Gregor’s suffering mean?” is a general question. You’ll need to ask your own specific question that will allow you to explore some aspect of that suffering that you want to unpack and analyze. Whatever you choose, you will write a coherent, organized essay where you analyze – quoting and discussing the quotations–certain passages from the text in order to support your understanding and analysis of what Gregor’s suffering (or some other aspect of the story) means.You will decide what interests you in this story, and what it says to you about, for example, the human condition, work, or family. Once you’ve formulated a question you want to explore then you need to go to the text, find supporting evidence from the text (quotes) ,and organize it into a four page close reading essay; you will not be doing outside research for this essay. I am happy to read drafts.If this does topic does not interest you, choose your own (about The Metamorphosis), but be sure to have it approved by me before you start writing.In this essay, you will: write a four page essay that uses close reading including close, textual evidence from the novella to guide and support your analysis of The Metamorphosis. Whether you answer my question (s) or construct your own, your essay must be grounded in your close critical reading of the text. This will require you to quote from the text and analyze the quotes you use. Please use the Elements of Literature handout to help guide your analysis.Page Requirement (minimum):4 typed pages, 12-point font, Times New Roman plus a Work Cited page–double-spaced.Format Style: MLA—Modern Language Association

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