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How can you impact and influence others and your future organization to deliver the results you expect?


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Topic 7: Strategic Leadership and EntrepreneurshipWrite the Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship section for your Capstone(500-750 words). Refer to chapter 12 in the textbook for additional information. Be sure to address the following questions:What is your sphere of influence in your organization? Based on this, what impact can you have on the implementation of your business plan?What is your own bias and how could it impact the development or progress of your organization’s development?What hurdles do you anticipate?What leadership style(s) will you have to demonstrate? How could you incorporate Servant Leadership? Where do you fall short?What are your strengths and weaknesses as they relate to your business?How can you impact and influence others and your future organization to deliver the results you expect?”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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