organization brief


You will need to select an organization (auto zone or advantage care) which you will use

throughout as the basis for assignments. as well as the final project.

This is an important decision and will have a great deal of influence on

how much you learn in this course and how effective your final

presentation and paper will be.

You will describe in some detail the organization you chose. Consult attached file for additional guidance in making this important decision.

Write a short paper (maximum 5 pages, excluding non-content pages) answering the questions below.

  • What is your “connect” to the organization, i.e., what will be your
    source for the information required for the case studies in this course?
  • How does the organization view its mission?
  • What organizational values does it believe are important?
  • What are its products and/or services?
  • How does the organization make (or get) money?
  • What are its target markets?
  • How many employees does the organization have, and how are they organized?
  • What are its existing strategies for growing the business? For improving organizational productivity?
  • Are there other strategically important issues the organization is facing?

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