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PERSUASIVE RESEARCH PAPER: -The topic that this paper is trying to persuade abou



PERSUASIVE RESEARCH PAPER:-The topic that this paper is trying to persuade about is —>WHY COLLEGE SHOULD BE FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS–>CLAIM/THESIS. Please use this exact wording in the essay at the end of the introduction as the thesis statement:“College should be free for all students because leaving a student to pay for their college tuition on their own can negatively effect them in multiple ways”-I feel very strongly about this topic. Please try to find sources that back up these 3 pieces of evidence of my prefernce below. I came up with these reasonings on my own. If you cannot find good sources to back up my evidence, please feel free to use your best judgement of coming up with your own reasonings to support my claim.Reason #1: Can be a distraction to a student’s education. This is because the student is left to worry about how they are going to pay for school. Therefore, working long hours at a job will take their priorities away from focusing on the school work.Reason #2: The student will be negatively affected later on in life. The students are left to get into so much college debt, that it will affect their future finances. This can affect them when they are going to buy a house or car, or also leaving them to afford basic needs such as food housing or clothing. Can also hurt their credit scores.Reason #3: A student being left to pay for college Can limit their chances of getting a good job after college, and can limit them to using their degrees to its full potential. This is because if a student is in so much debt, they will have to continue working other multiple jobs after college to pay off that debt. If college were free, the student could focus on their degree oriented career itself.When it comes to the rebuttle section, feel free to give your own personal reasoning to back up the rebuttle. Please include 2 reasonings/evidenceFORMAT: Use the MLA style with a cover page and formal topic outline as shown in our textbook. Please do not enclose your paper in a plastic binder. Staple it in the upper left-hand corner. Copies of the sources must be submitted with your final paper with the cited sections highlighted.CONTENT: You must write a persuasive paper that attempts to convince the reader of your particular point of view on one of the subjects listed below or your own persuasive subject. Choose a persuasive subject and narrow it down into a manageable topic that is significant, worthwhile, timely, and fresh.The paper should have a smooth and readable style with an academic tone for a skeptical audience. Your thesis must be narrowed and focused toward a specific viewpoint.SOURCES: Include 5 sources of different types. You must use reference books, online database articles, journals, or magazines and preferably a primary source, such as government studies or your own field research. Only one web site will be allowed as a source, but you must thoroughly evaluate it for its usefulness. Please use 1 piece of evidence for each paragraph of your reasonings/evidence that are for the claim. Then use 2 pieces of evidence in the rebuttle paragraph.DOCUMENTATION: You must smoothly integrate source material into your paper by quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing information tat supports your thesis statement and main ideas. Use the current MLA format for using in-text, or parenthetical references. Carefully prepare a works cited page following the MLA guidelines.I have attached an outline below as a document

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