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read the discussion and respond add something new and substantial to the discuss



read the discussion and respond add something new and substantial to the discussion. Your response should not merely restate what was wrote.1.I feel that the primary cause of overall distrust of not just police officers but law enforcement in general stems from the media. On any given day or night you can turn on the tv and see multiple news outlets reporting on the “bad” or negative things that an officer has done or how the legal system has failed. However, it is rarely broadcasted the local sheriff going to play basketball with a group of teenagers, and if it is usually just on the local news. Also, I believe the use of social media has made it too easy to post videos or pictures of situations that do not depict the whole situation.2. Do you feel that it is simply human nature (automatic) to question authority beginning as a young child, and this can relate to either questioning police authority or parents/ teachers, etc.2.The authority’s inactivity prompts humans to question for the following reasons: Unjust laws – When poor laws are established and those in control do nothing to change or remedy them, citizens frequently demand their rectification through civil unrest. Mahatma Gandhi pushed for civil disobedience in the face of unjust laws (Dalton, D., 2012). Police corruption is on the rise – The high incidence of police corruption feeds citizens’ needs to know what those in control are not doing. As a result of the unethical behaviors, many people will come to distrust the police. Unfair treatment of individuals – Unfair treatment of people has a negative impact on the organization. It forces employees to question those in charge for failing to take corrective action in the agency. Politicians are individuals with a lot of power, and they constantly attempt to help their constituents by questioning those in authority who fail to behave properly, so that they are distrusted or even cause civil disturbance as a consequence of the protest.

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