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Read The Radium Girls Epilogue, Postcript and Author’s Note . Part one As you a



Read The Radium Girls Epilogue, Postcript and Author’s Note .Part one As you are reading The Radium Girls Part IIIC, Epilogue, Postscript and Author’s Note, consider the impact that the radium girls’ fight for justice had on them, their families, their communities, and future generations. Complete the “In Vain” chart below to collect your ideas:In Column A, describe the impact their fight for justice had. Write a sentence paraphrasing what you read.In Column B, list what was sacrificed for this impact. List all the sacrifices that apply.In Column C, explain who this affected. List the names or groups of those impacted.In Column D, provide at least one quotation from the book that provides evidence for the impact in Column A. Remember to use quotation marks and include an in-text citation after each quotation (page#).You should have at least two impacts for each of these groups: the radium girls, their families, their communities, and future generations.Part twohttps://historycachepodcast.podbean.com/?s=robert+john+foxListen to Robert John Fox’s story from the podcast The History Cache (Links to an external site.): You can follow along using the podcast transcript (Links to an external site.). Complete the first section of the chart on the next page with the ideas that you find.In Column A, describe the impact his action had. Write a sentence paraphrasing what you listened to.In Column B, list what was sacrificed for this impact. List all the sacrifices that apply.In Column C, explain who this affected. List the names or groups of those impacted.In Column D, provide at least one quotation from the podcast that provides evidence for the impact in Column A. Remember to use quotation marks.You should have at least one impact for each of these groups: John Robert Fox, his family, his community (the Allied Army), and future generations.

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