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  • Review the situations described in the Table below. Indicate whether each situation meets the definition of a project or not. Explain to her why it is or is not a project.

Review the situations described in the Table below. Indicate whether each situation meets the definition of a project or not. Explain to her why it is or is not a project.


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One of your employees is confused about what is a project and what is a new process/procedure. She has given you a list of changes going on at your facility and asked you to help her understand. Review the situations described in the Table below. Indicate whether each situation meets the definition of a project or not. Explain to her why it is or is not a project.ScenarioProjectWhy?YesNoThe Assistant Director is ordering the annual supply of medical record folders. He is taking bids from vendors to get the best price.You are developing a new PI program. Data will be abstracted into an information system with reports being generated monthly.You are converting your filing system from alphabetic to a terminal digit.You are installing new cubicles in the HIM department.The state is updating its electronic birth certification software. It will be rolling out to all of the hospitals over the next 6 months.The Information Management plan is being revised. The HIM Special Projects Coordinator has been given sole responsibility for the revision.You are developing new productivity standards for your HIM functions.Your Joint Commission survey is scheduled sometime around the end of the year. You have a lot of work to ensure that everything is in place.The annual coding update has been sent to you for installation.The monthly employee newsletter is being written for release next week. . TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT The post Review the situations described in the Table below. Indicate whether each situation meets the definition of a project or not. Explain to her why it is or is not a project. appeared first on Term Paper Tutors.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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