SDSU The Enchanted Garden Essay


My essay is about the Japanese friendships garden at balboa park san Diego


___ creative title
___ hook
___ brief description and proper identification of the cultural artifact (building, sculpture, garden, etc.)
___ clear thesis statement (should not be torn down, or

  • should not be removed, or
  • should be protected and cared for)

___ transitions that guide readers smoothly from point to point


___ at least five body paragraphs
___ clear topic sentences
___ context of passages provided to set the scene for the quoted passages
___ relevant quotations to support the paragraph’s main idea
___ introductions to quoted passages (signal phrase)
___ two to three quoted passages in each body paragraph

___ quoted passages properly documented in MLA format

___ explanations of the quoted passages, relating them back to the topic sentence
___ concluding statement
___ transitions that guide readers smoothly from point to point
___ transitions to guide readers from paragraph to paragraph


___ effective counter argument, or “turn against”
___ detailed/quoted information to illustrate the counter-argument
___ clear transition to lead readers back to the main argument
___ clear “turn back” in support of the main argument presented in the thesis of the essay


___ effective conclusion leaving readers thinking about the importance of your chosen subject in San Diego


  1. MECHANICS: grammar and punctuation do not interfere with the reader’s ability to understand specific points and ideas.
  2. SPELLING: does not distract your reader from your ideas.
  3. WORD CHOICES – demonstrates appropriate college-level diction.


___ proper MLA format in header of page one
___ proper use of quotation marks and parenthetical citations in body paragraphs
___ proper MLA format on the Works Cited page


  • 5-6 pages in MLA format (minimum of 1,500 words). The essay must be a minimum of 7 paragraphs, including an introduction, body, and conclusion. ***The Works Cited page is not counted in the minimum number of pages.
  • Start with an introductory paragraph that begins with a hook and provides relevant background information to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Develop body paragraphs which incorporate quoted and detailed evidence from at least 5 sources while using proper MLA format for all citations.
  • Quoted evidence should be incorporated thoughtfully and thoroughly into the essay by establishing context, introducing the quoted passages, and explaining how the passages support the main ideas of the body paragraphs and the essay as a whole.
  • Include a Works Cited page (all sources used in your essay must be included in the Works Cited page).
  • Provide logical transitions between paragraphs that guide your reader.

please use the sources thatare in the file, from page 137-146, you can chose 5 articles, and use it in the essay

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