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Senior Seminar – Sibling Studies SYNTHESIS


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Read the following three research articles and complete written response to the readings. Write a page and a half synthesis of the three articles plus 1 discussion question per article.The following factors will be considered in grading: relevance, accuracy, synthetization of the reading materials, degree to which the responses show understanding/comprehension of the material, and quality of writing.· Questions must be original, thoughtful and not easily found in the readings.· Follows APA Rules· Use proper citations· Use past tense when discussing the studies (the research was already conducted).· Avoid the use of the following words: me, you, I, we, prove, proof· Refer to the articles by their authors (year of publication) (not by the title of the article or the words first, second, or third)· Do not just summarize the articles. Dig deeper!***FOLLOW THE ATTACHED SAMPLE “Looking for a Similar Assignment? Get Expert Help at an Amazing Discount!”The post Senior Seminar – Sibling Studies SYNTHESIS appeared first on nursing writers.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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