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Synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences and nursing science to understand global perspectives, stimulate critical thinking, and use current technologies


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Narrative paperplease answer why or why not each project objective did or did not meet. project statement of this assignment is provided for this narrative paper.10 project objectivesUpon completion NUR 456 Professional Practice Project, the students will be able to complete the following objectives as evidence by documentation in discussion boards, clinical evaluations, and feedback from the preceptor, fellow students, and faculty:1) Synthesize knowledge from the liberal arts and sciences and nursing science to understand global perspectives, stimulate critical thinking, and use current technologiesa) Identify the major causes of increased unprotected sex among teens by week 1.2) Make sound decisions in the use of patient information and healthcare technology to design, coordinate, manage, and evaluate nursing care for individuals, families and populationsa) Identify the consequences of unprotected sex among teenagers by week 1.b) Create a PowerPoint presentation that describes the statistics of unprotected sex among teens and the consequences by week 7.3) Demonstrate clinical excellence to provide caring, compassionate, and culturally appropriate patient- centered care to people in a variety of settingsa) Identify a correct technique to create awareness and inform the teens on the solutions to the rising complication brought about by unprotected sex.4) Communicate, collaborate, and negotiate effectively to improve patient healthcare outcomesa) Communicate, collaborate and exchange information on how to reduce the rates of STDS among the teenagers.b) Meet with the Medical Director and other staff members to prepared the unprotected sex and STD’s teaching plan in week 2.5) Exhibit professional values and behaviors as outlined by a professional code of ethics, professional standards, and legal statutesa) Apply nursing code of ethics while implementing project during week 1 through 7b) Protect patient information by applying (HIPAA) by week 1 through 76) Promote healthy lifestyles through health promotion, risk reduction, and disease prevention education for individuals and populationsa) Design a programs to reduce the number of sexual transmitted diseases among teenagers by week 47) Incorporate evidence-based knowledge and theory into nursing practicea) Read three professional peer-reviewed articles on increased unprotected sex and STD prevalence among teenagers by week 58) Demonstrate leadership and collaboration within interdisciplinary healthcare partners and professional, political, and/or regulatory organizations to support change in healthcarea) Create a PowerPoint presentation and a poster teaching for nurses focusing on the lack of knowledge about safe sex on week 89) Allocate and manage resources to ensure patient safety and high quality healthcarea) Examine what resources that are available to keep these teens protected from the consequences of unprotected sex by week 6.10) Engage in life-long learning and scholarly inquiry to continue professional career Developmenta) Select new articles about the update on safe sex by week 7.  “Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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