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TASK 1: The “Self” (8 points) For this task, you are going to consider the conce



TASK 1: The “Self” (8 points)For this task, you are going to consider the concept of what social psychologists call “The Self”. In #1, you will discuss various topics from the chapter on the “Self” but do NOT include self-esteem for this part (from now on, referred to as SE) since it’s the focus of #2 and #3. So, all in all, please make sure to write about the following:Discuss various social psychological concepts/theories/research related to the social psychological concept of “SELF” (find at least 4 different processes but do not include self-esteem for this section). Don’t just cite information from the text or other sources but make sure to explain in your own words. Also, don’t just describe concepts; include basic description but it always helps to elevate your writing to both application and analysis. The way you do this is to add in both research findings (mostly discussed in the text) and personal observations (of yourself, someone you know, life events etc.), basically, find a balance between scientific writing and personal/unique insight. This should contain at least four good paragraphs. (3 pts)Library research. Go to the UMGC library and look for a research article from a Psychology journal (preferably one that is a social psychology journal) related to SE. Do not run a broad search on SE only but rather, look for some relationship between SE and another variable of interest to you. Provide a brief summary paragraph of the study (adequate to write about a five-line paragraph to share the hypothesis, briefly what was done and a few lines about what was found in the study — no quotations but all in your own words, please) and provide the proper APA formatted reference. (2 pts)Consider the measurement of SE in terms of both explicit and implicit measures. While you won’t be doing an implicit measure, you need to complete one of the most popular explicit ones for yourself, the Rosenberg SE scale. The ten items are provided in the text but PLEASE NOTE, for this exercise, you have to use a 1 to 7 scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=somewhat disagree, 4=neither disagree or agree, 5=slightly agree, 6=agree, 7=strongly agree). Fill out your response to each item on a private sheet of paper (don’t share each of the items in class).So, what does your answer for #3 have to include? Calculate your overall Rosenberg SE score* with the 1-7 scale and clearly explain how you calculated it. Important: This means that you have to also explain what you did to “reverse score” the items that are marked with (R). Then, clearly state the highest and lowest possible score someone can get and come up with a way of determining an interpretation for your overall score … basically, you need to break that range of scores down to high, average, and low scores. Lastly, briefly identify the difference between explicit and implicit tests and note some advantages and disadvantages to each type. (3 pts)*Please note: I would never want any of you to be uncomfortable presenting your score publicly so if you don’t want to, you are exempt from sharing your exact score. However, you must still explain details of how a score would be calculated and interpreted (all parts of the assignment must still be discussed).TASK 2: Persuasion (4 points)Find one commercial/advertisement — it can be online, from television, or in a magazine and very briefly summarize — this summary is not counted as part of your commentary. Make sure to select an ad that provides you with enough information to analyze; it needs to display persuasion principles and give you good material to write about for this commentary. Address each of the following questions (and pay special attention to elaborating on #3, 7 and 8):1. What product does this ad attempt to market, and where is the ad from? For online sources, provide url or reference if from a magazine.2. To which component(s) of attitudes (e.g., affective, behavioral, cognitive) does this ad appeal? How can you tell? Do you think this was a good strategy for this product/audience?3. What route of persuasion do the advertisers seem to use (e.g., central/systematic route vs. peripheral/heuristic? Importantly, explain what the two processes are and how you decided for this particular example?4. How does the ad describe the source of its product information (e.g., “dentists agree that” or “experts suggest”)? Do these sources come off as credible and/or attractive?5. What about the communication itself — are the arguments weak/ strong, one-sided/two-sided, overt/implied? Were these good choices?6. What about the target of the communication? Who are the advertisers targeting, how can you tell, and was that a good decision?7. How are other psychological concepts, like dissonance, culture, emotions etc. relevant to your analysis? — and please, don’t say that none of these are relevant if you want a good grade. You selected this ad since it was a good representation of persuasion concepts so come up with ones that you can discuss.8. Based on concepts from your readings, how might people resist this attempt at persuasion?Chapter 3. The Self – Principles of Social Psychology – 1st International H5P Edition (opentextbc.ca)

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