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This task was originally in Norwegian, so I have translated the task from Norweg



This task was originallyin Norwegian, so I have translated the task from Norwegian to English. Messageme if I have translated this task wrong in any way ( only 4 tasks, and not master’s assignment, only for pumping up the price)BackgroundThe article “Sandwich analytics: A datasetcomprising one year’s weekly sales data correlated with crime, demographics,and weather” by Spaulding et. eel. (2019) gives us an insight into salesdata from a fast food chain for 10 of their outlets in the USA.You can find the article here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352340919306067#!The data can be downloaded here: https://data.mendeley.com/datasets/6htjnfs78b/1BackgroundYou / your team is now employed as an analyst in ACME analytics. The company that “owns” the data has announced a tender competition. They want to develop a system that reports sales for all outlets in their group. The sandwich data should be used to show what you can deliver.Tasks (Each task counts for 25% of the grade)Task 1The first task is to write R code that merges the 6 datasets into one large dataset.You must use the variables that the different datasets have in common to do this. This process must be briefly documented and commented on.Task 2The data will be used for a weekly sales report for a single sale. Give some examples of what the content of such a short-term individual report should contain. Justify your choices and the thinking behind the figures and any tables.Task 3The data will be used for a monthly sales report at an aggregate level to the group management. Give some examples of what the content of such a long-term group report should contain. Justify your choices and the thinking behind the figures and any tables.Task 4Can the data be used to plan new sales? If the group management wants to establish a new outlet, how can they use this data to find the best location?(Messagefrom me:I only wantthe r-studio code done. I want to do the “word” writing and analyses myself, Ionly want the coding from you.-Bestregards Chris)

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