w5 Lecture


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Learning Transfer – Why?After reading and watching this week’s assigned reading analyze the importance of the learning transfer process. The week discussed the learning transfer on a spectrum from an educational to a monetary point of view including learning scrap and measurement of performance ROI. In your paper, write a compelling summary to a CEO analyzing why the transfer of learning process is important using it in each area discussed this week.The requirements below must be met for your paper to be accepted and graded:Write between 1,250 – 1,750 words (approximately 3 – 5 pages) using Microsoft Word in APA style, see example below.Use font size 12 and 1” margins.Include cover page and reference page.At least 80% of your paper must be original content/writing.No more than 20% of your content/information may come from references.Use at least three references from outside the course material, one reference must be from EBSCOhost. Text book, lectures, and other materials in the course may be used, but are not counted toward the three reference requirement.Cite all reference material (data, dates, graphs, quotes, paraphrased words, values, etc.) in the paper and list on a reference page in APA style.reading of the weekWe have established that organizations invest in learning to address business needs and opportunities. Learning objectives are, in effect, business objectives. In solid organizations usually there are systems in place to set, measure, monitor, and reward achievement of business objectives. We usually do not find those same systems in place for training and development.“Talk to any group of laymen or professionals about what’ s broken in the current learning and development process, and most will tell you it’s the lack of serious post – training follow – through” (Zenger, Folkman, & Sherwin, 2005, p. 30).D4 states high impact learning drives the transfer of learning back to the work of the enterprise. They do not leave it to chance or individual initiative. Instead, they put in place systems and processes to actively encourage and manage the transfer process. Learning transfer is the process of putting learning to work in a way that improves performance.In the chapter on D4, we introduce the concept of learning scrap and the high cost of doing nothing to ensure learning transfer. The elements that define the transfer climate and determine the results that training ultimately delivers is fully explained. We review what it takes to improve performance and discuss breakthroughs in the management of the learning transfer process made possible by technology.Take a minute and watch Josh Kaufman talk about how to learn anything and think about how this can help trainers make the learning transfer happen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgBikgcWnYSupplemental MaterialVideo“What is Learning and How does it occur?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nSe1VfAtwwPodcasthttps://www.td.org/Digital-Resources/Podcasts/TD?q=WFoF%209%3A%20Training%20and%20Development%20Institute%20of%20Chartered%20Accountants%20in%20Australia%20Without%20Fear%20or%20Favor Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you. We assure you an A+ quality paper that is free from plagiarism. Order now for an Amazing Discount! Use Discount Code “Newclient” for a 15% Discount!NB: We do not resell papers. Upon ordering, we do an original paper exclusively for you. The post w5 Lecture appeared first on Top Premier Essays.”Do you need a similar assignment done for you from scratch? We have qualified writers to help you with a guaranteed plagiarism-free A+ quality paper.

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