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Discussion 1 comment 1After reading about Erikson’s generativity and stagnation, I believe that there is mid-life crisis; but only because we choose to put this upon ourselves. As the human race, I feel that we put too much pressure on ourselves. By expecting ourselves to help the next generation is good to a certain degree but I believe that by putting too much pressure on ourselves negatively affects the future generations. If we just lived life day by day and trying to make a positive impact, I think our next generations will be okay.According to Erickson’s stage of Generativity Versus Stagnation, generativity encompasses adults’ desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation. Through these legacies adults achieve a kind of immorality. Middle-aged adults can develop generativity in a number of ways. Through biological generativity, adults have offspring. Through parental generativity, adults nurture and guide children. Through work generativity, adults develop skills that are passed down to others. And cultural generativity, adults create, renovate or conserve some aspects of culture that ultimately survives. Stagnation (sometimes called self-absorption) develops when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation(Santrock,2017;pp,487-488).Adults promote and guide the next generation by parenting, teaching, leading and doing things that benefit the community.This is supposed to be “taking care of the next generation”, but instead we are creating problems for this generation, such as mid-life crises and then the next generation is worried that they will go through the same.My advice would be generally the same for most men and women. Focus on yourself before worrying about the next generation. We can always guide the next generation, but don’t be so hard on yourself if you see others (younger individuals) failing, or not doing so well in their lives. It’s normal to grow up and learn from faults and failures. We can only guide others so much.Santrock, J.W. (2017). Life-Span Development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Discussion 1 comment 2Midlife crisis is when middle-aged adult is suspended between the past and the future, trying to cope with this gap that threatens life’s continuity (Santrock, 2017, pg. 488). I believe that there is really a midlife crisis as I also experienced it myself because I was not really sure what I want to do with my life because of my past experiences. When people hit a certain age, people realize what they really want to do and starts to stress out on how they can do it in the future. One study found that 26% of middle-age U.S adults only experienced midlife crisis and most of the people who experiences midlife crisis was because of the negative life events and not because of aging (Santrock, 2017, pg. 489). Although the number is low, it still exists, and we cannot say that it will not happen to everyone. Midlife crisis is a reality to some adult who is still not sure what the future holds for them because of their past experiences. If a person has a stable life, I can say that there is a possibility that person will not have a midlife crisis as that person will have a lot of support on what they want to do with their life. Additionally, Erikson suggested that generativity is when adults’ desire to leave legacies for themselves to the next generation and stagnation is when they sense that they have done nothing for the next generation (Santrock, 2017, pg. 487). I think that people also experience midlife crisis because they are afraid of what the next generation will think of them. As I have mentioned, midlife crisis occurs when adult is stuck with their life between past and future, and we can assume that they are afraid what will the next generation will think of what they have accomplished with their life. Both men and women have different experiences with their life, and I would suggest that to use their past experiences as a motivation for them to achieve their goal.Santrock, J.W. (2017). Life-Span Development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Discussion 2 comment 1Personally, I think spirituality is very important. I was born and raised in a Christian household but I don’t view Christianity as a religion but more of a personal relationship I have with God. Personally I find that reading my bible, praying, and or going to church help me with all aspects of my life. It allows me to find peace in times of difficulty and sooths any anxieties I may have. So I do think that having a spiritual outlook is something that can be very beneficial when it comes to development, it provides me a sense of security, and comfort when I pray or read my bible. This weeks chapters, discusses how in some cases, religion can be beneficial to health as well, it can actually help reduce blood pressure and monitor HTN. I believe this is a result of finding peace and comfort (Santrock ,2017) . Overall it was mentioned that spiritual adults had 18 percent reduction in mortality (Santrock ,2017). I believe this all falls into helping people cope with the problems they are facing and finding a bigger meaning in life.In an article published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, authors Prakash Behere, Anweshak Das, Richa Yadav and Aniruddh Behere discuss the relationship between religion and mental health. They expand on how the practice of spirituality and religion sustains one and can even be beneficial when it comes to mental health and illness, one example they bring is mediation and its ability to reduce stress (Behere, P. B., Das, A., Yadav, R., & Behere, A. P., 2013). They even discuss how religious methods have been used to treat mentally illness, concluding with the fact that psychiatrist should be more equipped and educated on religion and its relationship with mental health (Behere, P. B., Das, A., Yadav, R., & Behere, A. P., 2013).ReferencesBehere, P. B., Das, A., Yadav, R., & Behere, A. P. (2013). Religion and mental health. Indian journal of psychiatry, 55(Suppl 2), S187–S194. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.105526 (Retraction published Indian J Psychiatry. 2019 Jan;61(Suppl 3):S632)Santrock, J.W. (2017). Life-Span Development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.DISCUSSIOn 2 comment 2After reading Santrock’s section on religion and spirituality, I definitely have a better understanding between the two. Religion is beliefs, looking up to a sacred or transcendent other. Whereas spirituality is something beyond oneself in another manner but believing that, that will help benefit others and society (Santrock,2017).I believe that religion and spirituality can sometimes be of detriment to development. I say this because I believe a lot of the time when religion or spirituality is brought into conversation, it creates a bias opinion towards something before hearing the other person out; which the other person might have a valuable argument or something valuable to say. When it comes to development I think religion brainwashes individuals to become a certain way. For example, if you sin, you can’t go to heaven. Well how do you get to heaven then? Everyone sins, an apparently a lot of them ask for forgiveness. Doesn’t mean you are going to heaven or hell.More than 70% of middle-aged adults consider themselves as religious and claim that spirituality is a major part of their lives(Santrock,2017). I believe this is why the older generation is disgusted by a lot of what today’s generation says and does, and this is because they are pressed on their religious beliefs.Also, religion and spirituality can affect your physical health. Some can say that you are supposed to ignore medical advice( Santrock,2017). This can be dangerous for those who are extremely sick or have a rare condition to not want to get medically treated,However, there can be another problem, mid-life crises can become a problem later in life because of the “Need for purpose, and Need for values”. This is giving back to the next generation and also teaching family and friends that spiritual and religious aspects of life are good. I think this is why so many people, especially young individuals fall away from religion.Overall, my view point on religion is strong, however, there are some pros to being religious, such as gaining friends who have the same interest that you do/same passions. Also, it teaches you to not focus on yourself as much and hopefully become a genuine person who gives back and helps the community and society.Santrock, J.W. (2017). Life-Span Development. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

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